The latest satisfaction ratings of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo is at a Philippine historical record low in two decades. Latest figures from the 2008 second quarter study of the Social Weather Station shows a negative (-) 38 net rating, even lower than the previous record low Arroyo herself has set in 2005 at the height of the "Hello Garci" wiretapped tape controversy that purportedly proved she rigged the 2004 presidential elections. Arroyo, whose assumption to the presidency has been hounded by questions of legitimacy, is the only Philippine President to post negative ratings based on various periodic surveys. Beginning October 2005, her ratings have consistently been in the negative range.
"Second Quarter 2008 Social Weather Survey: PGMA’s net rating falls to record-low –38Pls. report broken links thru the Comments facility below:
Social Weather StationsThe Social Weather Survey of June 27-30, 2008 found 22% satisfied and 60% dissatisfied with the performance of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, giving her a Net Satisfaction rating of –38 (% satisfied minus % dissatisfied), which is a new record-low for Presidents since 1986, surpassing the previous record of –33 in May 2005.
The new net rating is a 12-point drop from net –26 (27% satisfied, 54% dissatisfied) in the First Quarter 2008 Survey of March 28-31 [Chart 1, Table 1]. It is the fourth consecutive quarterly drop in her net rating since June 2007, when it was a neutral –3.
In all areas, majorities are dissatisfied
For the first time, gross dissatisfaction is at majority levels in all study areas: 63% in Metro Manila, 60% in the Balance of Luzon, 56% in the Visayas, and 62% in Mindanao.
The President’s net satisfaction rating in the Visayas, where she customarily draws her strongest support, fell by 18 points from –15 in March (36% satisfied, 51% dissatisfied) to a record-low –33 in June (23% satisfied, 56% dissatisfied) [Table 2, also Chart 2, Table 3].
In Mindanao, it fell by 8 points in Mindanao, from –33 (26% satisfied, 59% dissatisfied) to –41 (21% satisfied, 62% dissatisfied), also a new record-low for the area.
Her net satisfaction ratings fell by 13 points in Balance Luzon, from –25 (26% satisfied, 51% dissatisfied) to –38 (22% satisfied, 60% dissatisfied), and by 3 points in Metro Manila, from –37 (23% satisfied, 60% dissatisfied) to –40 (23% satisfied, 63% dissatisfied). The existing record-lows in those areas are –47 (May 2005) in Balance Luzon and –48 (June 2006) in Metro Manila.
Between March 2008 and June 2008, President Arroyo's net rating fell by 11 points in both urban and rural areas: the former from –27 to –38, the latter from –26 to –37.
Ratings hit record-lows in all socio-economic classes
The June 2008 survey found dissatisfaction worsening in all socio-economic classes, with the middle-to-upper classes or ABCs just as dissatisfied now as the masa or class D.
The net satisfaction rating of Pres. Arroyo fell the most among the middle-to-upper classes or ABCs. It fell by 23 points, from –14 (34% satisfied, 48% dissatisfied) last March to –37 (22% satisfied, 59% dissatisfied) in June [Chart 3, Table 4]. The previous record–low for ABCs was –34 in May 2005. It had been positive in February, June and September 2007, when the ratings for the lower D and E classes were negative or zero.
Her net rating fell by 11 points among the class D or masa, from net –24 in March (28% satisfied, 52% dissatisfied) to net –35 in June (23% satisfied, 58% dissatisfied). The previous record-low for Class D was –34, also in May 2005.
The President’s net rating fell by 8 points in Class E, from net –37 in March (23% satisfied, 60% dissatisfied) to –45 in June (20% satisfied, 65% dissatisfied). The previous record-low for Class E was –37 in March 2008.
Survey Background
The Second Quarter of 2008 Social Weather Survey was conducted over June 27-30, 2008 using face-to-face interviews of 1,200 adults divided into random samples of 300 each in Metro Manila, the Balance of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (sampling error margins of ±3% for national percentages and ±6% for area percentages). The area estimates were weighted by National Statistics Office medium-population projections for 2008 to obtain the national estimates.
The quarterly Social Weather Survey on public satisfaction with the President is a non-commissioned item, and is included on SWS's own initiative and released as a public service, with first printing rights assigned to BusinessWorld."
Second Quarter 2008 Social Weather Survey: PGMA's net rating falls to record-low -38. Social Weather Stations Site. 18 July 2008. http://www.sws.org.ph/pr080718.htm
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